Refund and Return Policy

Akshata Gems and Jewels committed to ensure complete satisfaction with your every purchase If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase you may return the products for which we offer a simple and easy 10 days return or replacement policy.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The 10 days return period is counted from the day you have received the courier as per the records shown in the tracking update of the courier agencies.
  2. While retuning please ensure that the product(s) should be in the original and unused condition.
  3. Please return your purchase with the original copy of the Invoice, Packing, Lab certificates, Discount Coupons or any other document delivered to you in the original parcel .
  4. Due to neglect, improper handling will not be entertained in the return and replacement policy.
  5. All the replacements or returns are subject to the thorough inspection and assessment by us.
  6. Buyers are entitled to pay the return shipping and insurance charges.
  7. Any Custom duty or taxes paid by the buyer are not refundable.
  8. Any Custom-made or Make on order Jewellery , Gemstone Rings cannot be returned for money , however we will issue a store credit worth 75 % of the total invoice value for your future purchase on our website.
  9. Any undamaged unused loose Gemstone or Rudraksha will be refunded 100% of the invoice value.
  10. Custom Made OR Make on Order temple jewellery or artefacts does not qualify for the return and refund.

How to initiate your Return

  1. Please contact us on to initiate the return procedure with the complete details of product(s) purchased by you including the description, invoice number or any specific reason you want to mention for the return.
  2. We will respond to you within maximum 24 HRS to help you to initiate the return.
  3. Please pack the parcel carefully with the necessary documents and product(s) you need to return back.
  4. Kindly send the parcel through a reputed courier agency and update us with the tracking details of the parcel.
  5. Item reached backed to us in a damaged condition will not be entitled for the refund.
  6. Gold diamond and jewellery items need to be returned with the proper insurance of the parcel by the buyer.


After the assessment and complete satisfaction by our team we will initiate the refund or credit update depending upon the item returned.

In Case of Refund any Payment Gateway charges applicable will not be refunded.

Return and refund will take 4 to 7 business days to process from the date of receiving of the product(s) at our address.

As soon as we approve your refund we will refund and intimate you with the transaction details. Kindly note that incase of credit card it may take another one week to reflect the balance in your bank account.

The items qualifying for the store credit, the credit will updated in your customer account and will be officially informed to you by email also.